samedi 29 mars 2008

Bill Wallace : traditional karate and full-contact


As with all other articles of this blog, we sorely lack of reliable sources on the Bill Wallace's career. Our sources are based on his book [1], and "The Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia" of John Corcoran, and "The Official History of Karate in America" of Al Weiss, old issues of karate magazines, and on various websites, including the history of the USA Karate, Usadojo. Com [2].

Bill Wallace was born on 1st December 1945 in the USA, and measures 5ft 10 inch, or about 178 cm, with a weight of about 72 to 75 kg.

He learned Shorin Ryu Karate, since 1966, when it was incorporated in the US Air Force. He received his black belt in a year. Previously, he practiced judo, but stops after a serious injury to the ligaments of his right knee. His injury prevents him from using his right leg. Now practicing Karate, Bill Wallace uses only his left leg.

Traditional Karate and Professional Karate:

1968 :

In 1968, in Chicago, for a team competition, Bill Wallace (Midwest) beats Joe Hayes and Steve Sanders.

Probably the 10.04.1968, at the Mid-East Karate Grand Championships, Bill Wallace fights against Ernie Lieb and wins probably the Grand Champion title.

1969 :

Karate pro. 03.09.1969. West-Coast vs East Coast. Bill Wallace has won with the West-Coast.

04.12.1969. Bill Wallace wins the Salt-Lake-City World Championship.

06.15.1969. During the Grand Nationals Karate Championship, Bill Wallace beats Wally Slock, and Victor Moore, and then lost against Artis Simmons, in the penultimate fight for the Grand Champion.

10.11.1969. During the Mid-East National Karate Grand Championships, Bill Wallace lost to Glenn Keeney. Wallace had won the title in 1968.

In 1969, Bill Wallace takes part to the fights between Hawaii and the Mainland, with this last team. He has 3 fights. He loses one against Okuba via disqualification and win one against Minoku.

1970 :

01.25.1970. Bill Wallace finishes 3rd at the US Karate Championships, in the middleweights, losing against Fred Wren and Larry Mosig.

In 1970, Victor Moore beats him for the USKA First World Professional Championship.

1st fight with Joe Lewis. 06.06/07 1970 : USKA Grand Nationals. Joe Lewis beats first Victor Moore. Bill Wallace beats Mike Posey and Victor Moore. Joe Lewis (who defends his 1968 and 1969 titles) meets Bill Wallace for the Grand Champion. They had never fought together. The two fighters are wary during the first round. At the end of the 3 rounds, extra-time is decided. Wallace wins the battle, with a back fist.

1971 :

Bill Wallace wins the US Championships, and beats Skipper Mullins.

He wins the USKA Grand National in 1971, and beats Ken Knudson.

He wins also the Top Ten Nationals.

1972 :

1972. Pasaryu Taekwondo Karate Championships. Mike Warren beats Bill Wallace.

2nd fight with Joe Lewis. For the 1972 USKA Grand National Grand Champion, Bill Wallace beats Joe Lewis during the overtime. Before this fight, Bill Wallace beats Glenn Keeney.

bill wallace vs joe lewis
Bill Wallace (left) and Joe Lewis, USKA Grand National 1972

In 1972, in New Orleans, he meets Japan champion and beats him by a back kick, having taken a step aside to avoid him.

1973 :

In 1973, he won the United States Karate Championships. He beats Kirby Fugate in the semi-finals, 3-0.

In the final, he met Butin, who had already lost to Wallace in 1971. They end the regular time at 2 keys to 2. In extensions, Butin is hit by a kick circular.

During the preliminaries of the Grand Championship, Wallace meets Bob Dunek. The latter was qualified for entry, holding the title. Bill Wallace wins in extra time. In finals, Wallace beats Kurban with a kick.

At the 1973 Top Ten, Bill Wallace beats Pat Worley, but is injured. Worley goes on in the tournament.

Karate pro. 05.31.1973, US Pro Am at Ocean City. Jeff Smiths beats Bill Wallace. Wallace has beaten Mike Pfefferstein. Video of the fight :

08.18.1973. During the New Orleans Open Karate Championships, Bill Wallace beats Ernest Smith and Joe Corley and win the Grand Championships.

09.23.1973, during the Tournament of the Century, in Chicago, he wins with the US Team against the Midwest, in the finals, against Bob Harris.

Karate pro. In 1973, at the Battle of Atlanta, Bill Wallace beats first Andy Selcer and Darnell Garcia. Wallace lost to Howard Jackson in the semi finals, and was fourth at the end. Andy Selcer has explained us, that it was a "tournament of champions" hosted at the Battle of Atlanta. Andy Selcer won his place by virtue of his wins at the Battle of Atlanta. Bill Wallace was automatically qualified for this tournament of champions. and was fresh. Thank you to Andy Selcer for the details.

1974 :

In 1974, at the Third Annual Western United States National Karate Championships, Bill Wallace beats first Batie, then Shelton Parker in the finals.

Here is an excerpt from a fight Karate traditional

04.20.1974. Karate pro. At the Battle of Atlanta, Bill Wallace beats Daniel Richer by 2-1, before losing to Mike Warren.

Karate pro. On May 17th 1974, in Berlin, is held the first European Championship Karate Business. Various European fighters are selected for the PKA World Championships in Los Angeles. At the end of the day, fights are taking place between the Europeans to the Americans. Bill Wallace beats Bernd Grothe, 5 / 0. Grothe had beaten Wolfgang Holtkemper / Dusseldorf, in the Europeans tournament.

06.15-16.1974. USKA Grand-Nationals. Flem Evans beats Bill Wallace.

07.27.1974. Top Ten Nationals in St-Louis. Bill Wallace beat Flems Evans, 6-2. Flem Evans will win the USKA in 1975 and 1976. Thank you to Flem Evans for his informations.

Full-Contact :

On Sept. 14th 1974, at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, during the first World Championships of full-contact, organized by the PKA, Bill Wallace has two matches. In the semi-finals, he beat Daniel Richer, by TKO in the 3rd round.

In the final, he beats the German Bernd Grothe in 2 rounds and became world champion in the middleweights. Here the two fights : That evening, Joe Lewis and Jeff Smith win the title of World Champion of heavyweights and light-heavyweights.

In 1975, he became the first world champion to defend his title, beating Joe Corley at the "Battle of Atlanta", by ko in the 9th round.

Bill Wallace vs Joe Corley
Bill Wallace (right) and Joe Corley (1975)

In 1975, Bill Wallace makes an "exhibition" with Dominique Valera, Traditional Karate champion, in Berlin.

In 1976, in Paris, at a meeting between USA and Europe, he beats Dieter Herdel, by ko in the 1st round. Video of the fight :

He defended his title as mentioned below. Here a short video of his fight vs Ray McCallum :

In June 1980, he defends for the last time his title against Bill Biggs, he beats him on points in 12 rounds.

On October 3rd, 1981, Bill Wallace comes out of retirement and win a three-rounder against John Shields, during the Battle of Atlanta.

Thereafter, Bill Wallace makes numerous demonstrations, both against Joe Lewis, Dominica Valera as other fighters.

Record :

09.14.1974 Daniel Richer w ko 3 Los Angeles
09.14.1974 Bernd Grothe w ko 2 Los Angeles
05.03.1975 Joe Corley w ko 9 Atlanta
03.13.1976 Jim Echollas w ko 2 Las Vegas
05.25.1976 Dieter Herdel w ko 1 Paris
05.29.1976 Daniel Richer w ko 3 Toronto
10.01.1976 Gary Edens w p 9 Los Angeles
04.23.1977 Blinky Rodriguez w p 9 Las Vegas
05.21.1977 Ron Thiveridge w tko 6 Providence
09.10.1977 Herb Thompson, w tko 2, Miami
10.08.1977 Pat Worley w ko 2 Indianapolis
11.28.1977 Burnis White w p 9 Honolulu
03.11.1978 Emilio Narvaez w p 9 Providence
04.08.1978 Glen Mehlmen w p 7 Miami
06.05.1978 Ralph Hollett w p 7 Nova Scotia
07.18.1978 Daryl Tyler w ko 6 Monaco
02.08.1980 Steve Mackey w p 5 Palm Beach
03.01.1980 Ray McCallum, w p 5 Oklahoma City
05.24.1980 Tom Georgiades w ko 2 Denver
06.15.1980 Bob (Bill) Biggs w p 12 Anderson
10.03.1981 John Shields w p 3, Atlanta

Total 23 fights, 23 wins (21 fights, 21 wins, 11 ko, according to "The Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia").

A leg really very flexible.

Conclusions :

Many videos of Bill Wallace's fights are available on the Internet. He used mostly his left leg, with great flexibility and a tremendous speed. His nickname is "Superfoot". Moreover, he was able to use fists very efficiently, in series.

[1] The Best Of Bill Wallace, Jon Thibault, editor Raymon Horwitz, Ohara Publications Inc. U.S. (April 2005)

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